
Lemon balm has powerful medicinal properties

lemon balm

The botanical name for lemon balm is Melissa. Melissa It is derived from the Greek word Mel which means honey. The lemon balm plant has a long association with bees and has healing properties like honey. It can be said that the lemon balm plant has favorite properties for bees. In ancient Greek medicine, balm has been considered to be a cure for many ailments and has healing properties like honey for wound healing. Was considered pregnant.

Lemon balm used in Ancient treatment

lemon balm

Be it ancient medicine or modern medical research, lemon balm is known as a plant whose ingredients have very powerful natural properties. It is an herb that can cure digestive disorders in children and adults. Helps balm is a type of mint that has excellent flavour and natural properties that reduce dehydration in particular. Balm has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-depressant properties. Tea made from fresh leaves of the tree relieves nerve fatigue and provides a feeling of freshness. Most women suffer from postpartum depression.

Lemon blam Use in Depression

lemon balm

The use of lemon balm is helpful in relieving the condition of depression balm is sweaty and cools the body. Therefore, some medical experts use lemon balm to reduce the heat in the heater. ۔ It especially fights against the cooling virus. It has anti-viral properties and is helpful against Mumps and Shingles (skin disease caused by the virus).

Cream made from balm is applied as an ointment on insect bites. Balm leaves should be dried carefully. Often, its medicinal properties are lost due to careless use during the drying process. The oil extracted from balm is used in aromatherapy. Is added to sprays that protect the skin from insect bites.


If you have any of the following symptoms, try bringing lemon balm into your life:

Loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, anxiousness, nervous stomach, sensitive stomach, heart palpitations, hot flashes, night sweats, frozen shoulder, stomachaches, gastritis, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, nervousness, fatigue, diarrhea, urinary urgency, urinary frequency, weight gain, weakness of the limbs, weak digestion, trace mineral deficiencies, tooth pain, fever, seizures, nosebleeds, inflammation, histamine reactions, brain inflammation

Spiritual Lesson

Lemon balm is practically an all-purpose plant, and it teaches us that we are just as wellrounded. We’re not each here for just one reason. Within one lifetime, we have many different lives. We don’t have to live with singular focus; we have many chances to explore different gifts and serve diverse purposes—some of which we’ll discover along the way and some of which we’ll live out without ever knowing how we’re effecting change.

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