Categories: Science and Medical

Treatment of corona virus

People who have recovered from the corona virus, ie have recovered, can save their lives by donating their plasma corona virus patients after three weeks. Patients 48 hours after plasma transfusion Only one patient can be cured with a plasma. Plasma contains antibodies, so they help to prevent infection. In this regard, DRAP has allowed doctors to perform clinical trials. Only certified institutions can take plasma from a patient with corona virus. This type of experiment has been performed on many patients in China. This treatment is called PASSIVE IMMUNIZATION.

Physicians recommend that patients undergo a test called “PCR” (POLYMERASE CHAIN ​​REACTION) to diagnose corona virus. It is a standardized test. At present, 41 laboratories across the country are providing this test facility. According to the World Health Organization, the patient’s used items, such as mobile phones, towels, glasses, plates, cups and pens, can be used by other people. Should not be used, otherwise he may be infected with this virus. The patient should eat a balanced diet and avoid smoking at all costs, as smoking greatly affects the lungs. Russian scientists have claimed to have developed an effective drug to get rid of the corona virus. And the inflammation subsided, and the spread of the virus stopped. According to Russia’s Federal Biomedical Agency, the drug has had encouraging results.

The drug also contains antibiotics, which have been shown to increase the number of components in the blood plasma and lungs that are resistant to the virus. Many patients have been treated. In addition, Johnson & Johnson Company has entered into an agreement with the United States to develop a vaccine for the corona virus. The vaccine will be available by September 2020. A type of rapid kit (KIT) has also been developed. This kit is so small that it can be easily carried anywhere and diagnosed with corona virus. According to a study, corona virus An infected person can also transmit the virus to another person through their own tears. If a person touches that person’s tears or touches the place where the tears have fallen, the virus can also be transmitted to them. ۔

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