Eat Mushrooms To Cure Depression : Mushrooms have magical properties, and a long study has found that adding mushrooms to your diet can reduce your risk of depression. Scientists at Pennsylvania State College of Medicine say that although Mushrooms are very useful for many diseases but now it can be very helpful in depression.
There are many effects depression change your personality.Depression is considered a common word nowadays. In everyday life you hear about it from everyone, young and old. If someone is really depressed, then know that it is a silent killer. In fact, it is a state of mind. We can also call it Mood Disorder. Whenever we are frustrated or sad, the following symptoms can occur. Usually these symptoms go away in a week or two. People who suffer from depression often look depressed. Usually we deal with this depression on our own. Talking to friends, this depression is cured. It does not require any treatment. But if this depression Or if sadness persists for a long time, it becomes a disease. And its effects on daily life began to be affected and daily life began to be affected by it. So it turns into depression