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Eat Mushrooms To Cure Depression

 Eat Mushrooms To Cure Depression

Eat Mushrooms To Cure Depression : Mushrooms have magical properties, and a long study has found that adding mushrooms to your diet can reduce your risk of depression. Scientists at Pennsylvania State College of Medicine say that although Mushrooms are very useful for many diseases but now it can be very helpful in depression.

Earlier, Mushrooms have been shown to be effective in many types of cancer.
Researchers at Pennsylvania State University enrolled approximately 24,000 adults from 2005 to 2016. Data on diet, fitness and mental health were obtained from these individuals.

Science shows that mushrooms are rich in a special type of antioxidant, ergothyonin, which protects cells and tissues.

We know that Antioxidants Protect against schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.
A large amount of ergothyonein is present in mushrooms which on the one hand reduces inflammation, on the other hand prevents oxidative stress in the body and thus reduces the risk of depression. On the other hand, the commonly available white button mushrooms It contains potassium which reduces anxiety and nervousness.

Another type of mushroom, Herculem erinicus (which lineman) not only keeps the brain strong but also stimulates the nerves of the brain. In this way, it helps in preventing depression.
The study found that white and non-Hispanic white women ate mushrooms with gusto. The average age of those surveyed was 45 years and 66% were non-Hispanic.
Among the women and men who adopted the mushroom habit were found to have very low levels of depression, but no additional benefits of eating too much mushrooms were recorded. Experts from the University of Pennsylvania conducted another experiment. In it, red meat was replaced with mushrooms, but this diet did not help to reduce depression. gone. Although this research is still in its early stages, there is strong evidence that the inclusion of mushrooms in regular diets reduces depression, sadness and depression.

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