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What Are The Benefits of Eating Eggplant?

Benefits of Eating Eggplant

Benefits of Eating Eggplant It would be wrong to say that eggplant is not only a vegetable but also a treasure trove of vitamin C. It is not necessary that every vegetable be your favorite food but be 100% sure that every blessing given by nature has innumerable health benefits.

So try to cook the vegetables in different ways. For example, eggplant can be eaten with eggplant or eggplant stuffing. If you don’t like the taste, you can fry the eggplant in the raita. Add, of course, will be fun.

If we talk about the benefits of eggplant on human health, the phytonutrients in it improve brain function.

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What are the benefits of Guava Seeds?

benefits of Guava Seeds

If you hear about Guava so you think about there benefits of guava seeds as well.Some fruits are delicious but they have no aroma or very little which makes them feel incomplete. Guava also has a wonderful aroma and delicious taste. In winter it is eaten more than other fruits. There are about 150 different varieties of guava. One hundred grams of guava contains seventy-six percent water, one to five percent protein, two percent fat, and five to fourteen percent starch. , 0.1% calcium, 0.4% phosphorus, one milligram of steel and 300 to one thousand milligrams of vitamin C.

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Rose water is a treasure of beauty and health

The face is said to be the best reflection of our emotions, feelings and thoughts so rose water clearer the face more beautiful the colours of life will appear on the face. The face is the part of our body that is directly affected by external factors. Affected. It is a sign of facial skin sensitivity that it is the first to accept the effects of illness and health and suffering. This is why facial skin is considered more demanding than body skin.

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