At that time letter writing was a common practice. If the elders who wrote the letter were counted among the elders, they would pray for the children to live a long life, then they would describe the real respondent. Before you ask yourself a question.
Do you really want a long and full life?
Is it necessary to use only anti-aging drugs?
In the first question, 100% of the people seem to agree that they have to play long innings.
Stay alive and healthy for a long time so that you can fulfill the dreams and hopes of yourself and your loved ones.
There may be many opinions in answer to the second question. Some people consider diet, rest and exercise as the only solution and some people consider it necessary to resort to medicine to remove the effects of aging.
You may have seen many older people who are well-dressed, proportionately overweight and obese, look even more attractive if they are taking care of good clothes and makeovers.
Medical science is your helper
First of all, learn to fight diseases. There is a cure for every disease. Take measures to maintain health as much as possible. Your blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes if any other condition. You should get yourself examined. If you feel any abnormal condition, discuss it with your family doctor and get it fixed. This way, some of your money will definitely be spent. For example, when you have a test every year or six months. It will cost, but you can take care of yourself.There are three main causes of premature aging.
If one’s hormone level is not balanced.
If Free Radicals are in conflict with their natural process.
Inflammation of the intestines that affects the body’s immune system.
These free radicals can be balanced with proper food choices. Below is information on fruits and vegetables that are antioxidants and can adapt to the effects of aging.
The role of free radicals
They play a positive role in the body when a virus or bacteria is formed. They are naturally present in the body but if they act against substances, they can cause high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, cataracts, arthritis, sunburn. Alzheimer’s, dysmenorrhea, Parkinson’s, melanoma, reproductive health disorders and weakness.

Purple fruits and vegetables
Anthocyanin is a natural pigment that combines with vitamin C to protect us from cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as mental and cardiovascular diseases. ۔
They contain vitamins A, B2, C and K.
Dark chocolate
This chocolate contains two useful ingredients Tyramine and Phenylethylamine which increase energy. If you eat a medium size dark chocolate before exercising, you can stay active and complete the duration of exercise. During this time energy is restored.
Olive oil
Get in the habit of eating salads and dress up with olive oil.
This oil is also useful for getting rid of hemorrhoids, skin diseases, inflammation, boils, mouth ulcers, gallstones, asthma, colds and scabies. Olive oil is better than Virgine. It is very effective in the above mentioned diseases and it is beneficial to drink it equal to one teaspoon.
Strawberries or lemons
Oranges, malts, grapefruits and kiwis are fruits rich in vitamin C. Similarly, broccoli is the most useful vegetable among the vegetables. They are superfoods and are resistant to many physical ailments.
Those who do not use vitamin C can also suffer from heart disease. Keep in mind that the use of fresh vegetables and fruits is essential to avoid the damage of free radicals. It is important to prescribe medication.if really interesting in any product to be healthy and fitness you can go here can click :
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