There are many effects depression change your personality.Depression is considered a common word nowadays. In everyday life you hear about it from everyone, young and old. If someone is really depressed, then know that it is a silent killer. In fact, it is a state of mind. We can also call it Mood Disorder. Whenever we are frustrated or sad, the following symptoms can occur. Usually these symptoms go away in a week or two. People who suffer from depression often look depressed. Usually we deal with this depression on our own. Talking to friends, this depression is cured. It does not require any treatment. But if this depression Or if sadness persists for a long time, it becomes a disease. And its effects on daily life began to be affected and daily life began to be affected by it. So it turns into depression
How does depression feel?
The severity of the disease is so high, the severity of the depression is far greater and deeper and more painful than the general melancholy we all feel from time to time. Its duration is much longer than the general melancholy. Lasts for months. Not everyone has the same symptoms. But if you have any of these four symptoms, you are more likely to have depression. It is estimated that more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from it. It is a common mental illness. Is related to Bipolar Disorder.
It can also be called Mood Disorder. If its effects are not reduced, this disease becomes a chronic and recurrent disease. It can affect the normal life of any person. Depression. Feeling low, in some happiness, being overly happy. Or being overly sad. Depression can increase the problem on all these abilities. Not being interested in me. Being sad. Being irritable. There may be severe and mild symptoms, including depression, irritability, weight loss, or overweight. Lack or excess of sleep, loss or excess of strength, decrease or excess of fatigue. Excessive movement of any particular movement. For example, shaking of legs, moving of hands, blinking of eyes.
Decreased or difficulty in judgment, even suicide attempt. Death. The effect of these symptoms lasts for at least two weeks and is not estimated. If the client wishes, it can be cured quickly. Depression is a major cause of life. It can be an accident or event in life, such as the death of a loved one, or the loss of a job. The loss of a loved one. It causes depression. However, these feelings can be temporary. They can happen to any normal human being in life. Their coming is not an abnormality. However, it is very important to have the ability to control them. If the condition persists, experts call it depression.
If the condition persists for two weeks, a psychiatrist should be consulted. The duration can last for months and years. He can make her suffer from depression. Usually people are not happy with depression. But sometimes no happiness is tolerable. For example, if a poor man’s bond suddenly comes out, then he can be uncontrollable with happiness. Most people become depressed due to grief in case of grief. If grief or grief lasts for a short period, then he does not have depression Depression can occur in both grief and sorrow. In grief and distress we often recall the good memory of our past. In times when we are very happy. This helps us to overcome the present situation. Is. Our self-esteem helps control it.
Is Depression Another Name for Personal Weakness?

Similarly, diabetes is a disease of blood pressure. Similarly, depression is also a disease. Which is curable. This disease can happen to any human being. And it can happen anytime. No matter how strong a person is. Just like a person is treated for common diseases. It also requires treatment, not ridicule.
What is Manic Depression or Bipolar Disorder?
About 10% of people who suffer from severe depression have seizures. Some of them look very happy or some of them cry. Some of them work a lot out of normalcy. And do not get tired. Or some people get tired just by hearing the name of work. This rapid seizure is called Manic. And the disease is called Disorder Bipolar. This disease is found equally in men and women. It is also hereditary in some families. Is found.
Is Depression Another Name for Personal Weakness?
Similarly, diabetes is a disease of blood pressure. Similarly, depression is also a disease. Which is curable. This disease can happen to any human being. And it can happen anytime. No matter how strong a person is. Just like a person is treated for common diseases. It also requires treatment, not ridicule.
Help yourself to depression
Don’t keep your emotional state a secret, if you hear bad news, be sure to share it with a close friend or relative. Often, repeating the words of grief with someone close to them reduces their intensity. Or one of the solutions is that crying makes the heart swell. Talking to a loved one reduces the burden of the heart. Keep reminding yourself. People have gone through the experience you are going through. One day or another your depression will go away. Even though it doesn’t seem possible yet. Always think positive.
Physical work or exercise

Someone should keep exercising. Even if it is a half hour walk. Exercise also improves a person’s physical health. And sleep is also better. Keep yourself busy with some work anyway. Even if you keep yourself busy with some work at home. This saves a person from painful thoughts. Exercising regularly helps treat depression. It not only stimulates the development of new brain cells and connections, which we call anti-depressants. Half an hour of daily walking also makes a big difference.
Environmental factors
Violence, neglect, abuse and poverty make some people victims of it. Not getting a job, breaking up a relationship. Any damage
Social relations
Strong social networks reduce loneliness, which is a major cause of depression. Stay in touch with friends and family. Join a class or group. There is a good way that you are actually helping yourself. For peace of mind and body.
Good food
Good and light food should be eaten well. Maintains your physical and mental health. Balanced diet maintains energy to work throughout the day. And also maintains a good mood. Eating a balanced diet is very important. The heart is not eating. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the most beneficial. In depression, people stop eating. Which leads to a lack of vitamins in the body. And things get worse.

If you have no underlying cause for the symptoms of depression, then talk therapy is a very successful and effective treatment. It gives you the skills and insight to feel better. It also prevents depression from coming back. Rejects negative thinking. Coping teaches you how to cope with depression. It helps you to know the cause of depression and to get rid of it. It teaches you how to stay healthy. Counseling is the best example of this.
Medication treatment
There are many myths about the use of antidepressant medicines. It is important to have moderation in these medicines. When needed. Otherwise, it should be stopped or reduced with the advice of a doctor. Your doctor may prescribe medicine along with psychiatric treatment. There is no harm in taking these medicines. However, according to the doctor’s instructions. This food becomes necessary in case of severe mental stress. It can be given mood stabilizer, antipsychotic, drugs and anti-depressant medicine. Or you can take it all together. If you decide to take medicine for it. Don’t ignore counseling and talk therapy right now. Changing or staying in life not only reduces depression faster. It also prevents the disease from recurring.
Exercise is very important in this. Avoid smoking and alcohol. They help to get rid of this condition. At least 6 hours of sleep must be completed. It has a positive effect on health. Eat a healthy and low diet. Treatment depends on the severity of depression. Treatment can take a few weeks or more. In most cases, 10-15 sessions can make a significant difference. Don’t take depression for granted. It’s a one-time illness. If you suffer from any kind of depression. You must see a doctor. Talk about your worries. It is necessary to restore mental health. Be careful. Love life.
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