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Science and Medical

Treatment of corona virus

People who have recovered from the corona virus, ie have recovered, can save their lives by donating their plasma corona virus patients after three weeks. Patients 48 hours after plasma transfusion Only one patient can be cured with a plasma. Plasma contains antibodies, so they help to prevent infection. In this regard, DRAP has allowed doctors to perform clinical trials. Only certified institutions can take plasma from a patient with corona virus. This type of experiment has been performed on many patients in China. This treatment is called PASSIVE IMMUNIZATION.

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How to eat mango for diabetics

Mango is a fruit full of sweetness which is why many people think that mango is not beneficial but harmful for diabetics. Today we are going to talk about your same struggle that Is it really right for diabetics to eat mangoes? According to health experts, it is just a rumor that eating mangoes is not good for diabetics. Seasonal mangoes do not harm diabetics but when they eat mangoes.

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Lemons are not only a fruit but also a medicine

The world is aware of the benefits of this miraculous fruit. It is extremely useful for health and the vitamin C in it which makes this fruit sour is an unparalleled treasure of health. It is used in all seasons but it rains. Its usefulness increases in the season of. Lemon plant bears fruit twice a year. In July-August and February-March. Lemons are used daily in almost every home because we have been hearing for centuries about the usefulness of this fruit. Lemon is not only a fruit but also a medicine. Its juice is used in many ways.

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Make teeth white, shiny and healthy

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Everyone in India sometimes seems to suffer from toothache. Usually people complain that despite the use of expensive toothpaste, the teeth do not show whiteness and shine. In such a situation, easy home remedies for dental care. Can be very useful. Whether it is to clean the teeth or to increase the shine of the teeth, to remove bad breath or to prevent tooth decay. There are simple and indigenous tips for teeth that have been found to be effective for centuries. These simple home tips are useful for teeth and gums. For teeth like white pearls, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a pinch of salt and massage the teeth with a brush.

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How does workplace stress affect mental health?

workplace stress affect mental health

Do you suffer from workplace stress affect mental health in the performance of office work? If you are working in a private company or a multinational company, the answer to this question is affirmative by the majority. It will come, because today, in the 21st century, where the latest technology has accelerated the pace of work, man is facing a lot of stress and work pressure in trying to take himself ahead in this race. That’s why work stress is at the top of the list in mental health issues. International research shows that more than 60% of the world’s population currently suffers from work stress, and a conservative estimate is that an average of 62 billion worth of drugs are purchased each year to relieve it.

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Daily increase in the number of diabetics

Diabetes, commonly known as diabetes, is a growing disease that is constantly affecting large numbers of people. An estimated 422.2 million people worldwide suffer from the disease. In Pakistan alone, about 1.5 to 200,000 people become disabled every year due to diabetes. According to a recent study, one out of every four people in Pakistan suffers from diabetes and this number is increasing rapidly. Not only that, but diabetes is the eighth leading cause of death in Pakistan and the number of deaths has risen by 50% since 2005. According to health experts, the causes of diabetes are obesity, smoking and not exercising. Diabetes is caused by an insufficient amount of insulin in the body. In fact, most of the food that a person eats, especially sweet and starchy foods, is converted into sugar.

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Heel pain

Coming to the office as usual last year, when the minibus approached my bus stop and I reached the door to get off, the conductor saw another minibus of the same route coming from behind and shouted, “Babu, hurry up, now we have this.” The bus will not stop at the stop. ”The driver slowed down a bit and I jumped out of the bus. The emphasis was on the left leg. A wave of pain ran through my whole body. Similarly, limping, I reached the office and started working.

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Science and epidemics

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Science and epidemics

The plague of the twentieth century was the most terrible plague in human history. The plague began in China and reached the Italian city of Sicily in 1347, engulfing the whole of Europe and destroying settlements. An estimated 75 million to 200 million people died as a result of the epidemic. About 30% of Europe was severely affected. By 1400 the plague had halved the population of England, and for the next one and a half centuries Europe could not reach the level of its population that it had before the plague.

Doctors at the time thought the disease was caused by the stench of unclaimed bodies or similar environmental pollution, while the general public thought it was a torment or the result of earthquakes.

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Can depression change your personality?

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 depression change your personality

There are many effects depression change your personality.Depression is considered a common word nowadays. In everyday life you hear about it from everyone, young and old. If someone is really depressed, then know that it is a silent killer. In fact, it is a state of mind. We can also call it Mood Disorder. Whenever we are frustrated or sad, the following symptoms can occur. Usually these symptoms go away in a week or two. People who suffer from depression often look depressed. Usually we deal with this depression on our own. Talking to friends, this depression is cured. It does not require any treatment. But if this depression Or if sadness persists for a long time, it becomes a disease. And its effects on daily life began to be affected and daily life began to be affected by it. So it turns into depression

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