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Carrots are useful in Cancer

A healthy, balanced diet is a diet that contains all the essential ingredients needed to keep the body growing and functioning properly. Nature has also created a variety of fruits and vegetables along with a variety of commodities so that it One such diet is carrots. Carrots protect against colon, lung and breast cancer. It is also useful to drink fresh juice. Carrots can also be eaten raw as a salad. It also prevents cancer-causing cells. A recent study found that beta-carotene not only protects against many body organs such as lung, gastrointestinal and bladder cancers, but also protects cell membranes from oxidative stress. Also, it has anti-cancer properties. Carrots contain about 77% beta carotene. In addition, another ingredient found in it, Falcarinol, also plays an important role in slowing down or preventing cancer cells.

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Carrots; a treasure trove of beta carotene

Vegetables contain dietary fiber, carbohydrates, vitamin B, beta-carotene, vitamin C, iron and other minerals. Carrots contain powerful antioxidants such as beta-carotene. It is important to keep eyesight sharp and safe. Carrot leaves are not used like radish leaves but they are extremely energetic. These leaves also contain protein, vitamins and minerals. We should make the leaves a part of our diet this winter if we can get them available. Carrots are a treasure trove of vitamin A. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is available in two forms. The other is known as carotene. It is also known as Provitamin A.

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Carrot Nutrition

Carrot is one of the most popular vegetables in the world, which is widely eaten and grown. Carrot is a vegetable which is also counted among the fruits. Carrot is the English name. Carrots are native to Afghanistan, but are now grown all over the world. Agricultural experts say that carrot growers can provide affordable carrots to the people by adopting modern and productive methods. Carrot leaves are like fennel or safflower leaves. They are white in colour. They give off fragrance.

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