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Carrots; a treasure trove of beta carotene

Vegetables contain dietary fiber, carbohydrates, vitamin B, beta-carotene, vitamin C, iron and other minerals. Carrots contain powerful antioxidants such as beta-carotene. It is important to keep eyesight sharp and safe. Carrot leaves are not used like radish leaves but they are extremely energetic. These leaves also contain protein, vitamins and minerals. We should make the leaves a part of our diet this winter if we can get them available. Carrots are a treasure trove of vitamin A. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is available in two forms. The other is known as carotene. It is also known as Provitamin A.

Retinol properties

We should make the leaves a part of our diet this winter if we can get them. Carrots are a treasure trove of vitamin A. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is available in two forms. The other is known as carotene. It is also known as Provitamin A. Retinol properties It immediately enters the bloodstream and becomes part of the body through fat. With adequate amounts of vitamin A in the body, the eyes remain healthy. Strength of teeth and bones is maintained. Physical development takes place. It is similar to vitamin A. Beta carotene can be found in sweet potatoes, peanuts, mangoes, tomatoes, etc. in addition to carrots. People who cannot see properly in the dark. They should eat more carrots. According to a study by the University of Berlin, eating carrots daily can reduce the risk of lung cancer by up to 60%. Carrot juice is also nutritious and if eaten carrots raw, Germs are eliminated and gums are strengthened. Therefore, it is more suitable to feed carrots to young children at the age of tooth extraction. There are no stomach worms like this. All the benefits for eyes and gums have been forgotten by most of the sisters.

Benefits of Carrot Juice

It helps in cleansing the blood, making new blood and maintaining good eyesight but it is better to drink it without adding white sugar. Carrot juice also plays an active role in breaking down kidney and bladder stones. It kills badi, so it is useful for men and women suffering from ferruginous to eat it raw, and it is better to drink half a cup of carrot juice instead of tea for breakfast. The rule is better for heartburn and jaundice. It is also an antidote for the liver and keeps digestion in order. The stomach provides all the essential enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Carrots protect against gastric ulcers. The salts in it are also an excellent source of health and strength.

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  1. Pingback: Carrots are useful in Cancer - Health & Fitness

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