Sea buckthorn has gained worldwide popularity due to its medicinal properties and amazing properties. It is also known as wild berry. Omega-7 fatty acids are found, so it has the full potential to build immunity. This shrub grows thousands of feet above sea level. It is known worldwide for its treatment of stomach ulcers, liver disorders, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. China, India, Nepal and other countries They are earning good foreign exchange by making oil, juice and other products from wild berry.
This shrub grows thousands of feet above sea level. It is known worldwide for its treatment of stomach ulcers, liver disorders, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. China, India, Nepal and other countries They are earning good foreign exchange by making oil, juice and other products from wild berry. During the Corona virus epidemic, the demand for this wild berry has multiplied in the United States, Europe and other Western countries. It is a magical wild berry. It grows like a car in high places. People of Hunza, Chitral, Gilgit, Skardu and other northern areas are aware of the benefits of this berry and it is a part of their daily diet. As this berry also increases life expectancy, this is why people living in these areas also live longer. Omega in a wild berry called “Sea Book Thorn”.

The amount of 7 fatty acids is much higher than other fruits and herbs, while it contains 10 times more vitamin C than sour fruits. This berry helps to get rid of many diseases, for example Diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, digestive disorders, intestinal and gastric ulcers, liver disorders and visual impairment. In addition to the northern regions of Pakistan, this berry is found in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Armenia, Uzbekistan and the Xinjiang region of China. , Which is why American researchers are more interested in it and want to gain both fame and fortune by making food supplements and syrups from it.

People living in mountainous areas, especially in the highlands of Pakistan, have been using wild berry fruits and plants since ancient times. Its fruit, which is like a berry, is rich in nutrients and has been mountainous since time immemorial. It has been a part of the diet of the people of the area. Juice is made from the fruit of the wild berry, which is useful in eliminating jaundice and heart diseases. The locals burn the wood of the wild berry plant and smoke its smoke, which causes the common cold, all kinds of coughs and phlegm, while the smoke that goes into the eyes acts as a cold and it makes the eyes water. The oil obtained from wild berry is considered as one of the most expensive oils in the world, but its oil is not extracted in Pakistan. The fruit of the wild berry is excellent in boosting the immune system, which is why it is beneficial in the corona virus. In Hunza, delicious tea is made from the leaves of the wild berry and jelly is made from its fruit, which is very tasty.
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