If we talk about best vitamin to take for joint pain .It has been commonly observed that joint pain starts after forty years but this disease can also occur in adolescence. Reducing joint pain or staying safe is not that difficult task. In fact some foods, exercise and household items. Can significantly reduce joint pain naturally.
Here are few joint pain treatments

1.Use of foods that prevent inflammation
People with arthritis should give up fast, junk and fried foods.
According to a Swedish study, people who made a diet consisting of fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, wheat or other grains, olive oil, nuts, ginger, garlic, etc., became a regular part of their diet. His physical health has improved considerably.
2.Sniffing spices
A Korean study has found that people with arthritis suffer less pain when they are exposed to a variety of spices. These included pepper, hot spices and more.
3.Wash the dishes
To reduce discomfort in the joints of the hands, soak the hands in lukewarm water for a while to relax the muscles and joints and reduce their stiffness.
4.Giving hot and cold treatment to couples
This treatment will require two plastic buckets, one filled with cold water and some ice cubes, while the other contains hot water that can withstand a tolerable temperature. First soak the sore joints in a bucket of cold water for one minute and then soak the affected area in a bucket of warm water for 30 seconds. Immerse the affected area, but end it by dipping the affected area in a bucket of cold water for one minute. This should be done under the advice and supervision of a physician.
5.Ginger tea

Numerous medical research reports have shown that ginger relieves joint pain. Ginger should be dried and ground and used in the form of powder or soak it in boiling water for tea for fifteen minutes. Permanent use of ginger is useful in reducing joint pain.
6.Turmeric is useful
This yellow spice has analgesic properties. According to several medical research reports, the use of turmeric reduces the pain and swelling of arthritis patients. A spoonful of turmeric was used which reduced their discomfort. Sprinkle half a teaspoon of turmeric kasfoof on rice or greens daily or swallow with the same water.
7.Use of green tea

According to a study by a US university, daily consumption of green tea increases the amount of chemicals in the body that reduce the chances of suffering from joint pain. Another study found that the antioxidants in green tea are called polyphenols. Has the ability to reduce inflammation, which in turn significantly reduces muscle breakdown and pain.
8.Vitamin C is useful in joint pain
Vitamin C not only increases the amount of a component called collagen, which is an important element in the joints, but it also cleanses the body of harmful substances that are harmful to the joints. Taking vitamin C significantly reduces the risk of developing joint pain. Use foods rich in vitamin C throughout the day as our body does not store this vitamin but circulates it through the bloodstream and removes it after a while.
9.Include cloves in the diet
Clove contains eugenol, a chemical that fights inflammation. Clove contains antioxidants that slow down the weakening of bones.
10.Use of omega-3 fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are useful for relieving painful joints. Cold water fish contain large amounts of this chemical. Supplements of this chemical are also available which can be used on the advice of doctors. Prefer to cook in oils which contain omega 3 fatty acids.
11.Ginger ointment
Applying crushed ginger on a sore joint is said to be useful in joint pain. Then apply to the painful joint.Then cover the area with a bandage for ten to fifteen minutes.
12.Walking barefoot

Walking barefoot on green grass reduces knee pain. According to a US study, walking barefoot in the open air for a while reduces the discomfort. Don’t try to walk on the bill as this will increase the pressure on the joints.
13.Use spicy foods
Red pepper, ginger and turmeric contain anti-inflammatory ingredients. These components also block brain signals that transmit pain waves.
14.Calcium use
Calcium deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis or osteoporosis, which also speeds up the journey to joint pain. After the age of 50, women should ensure that they consume 1,200 mg of calcium daily. Milk or dairy products are the best source of calcium, but dairy foods are also the best source. Cabbage and green leafy vegetables also contain calcium. It is less than milk in quantity but it is more easily absorbed by the body.
15.Spend time in the sun
In many people, joint pain is also the result of vitamin D deficiency. According to medical reports, keeping the level of vitamin D in the body normal protects the bones from damage. To increase the level of vitamin D in the body, it is beneficial to stay in the sun for ten to fifteen minutes daily in the morning. Milk or other products made from it are also a useful source of vitamin D.
16.Capsules made from fish oil

Capsules containing fish oil also reduce joint pain, according to a British study.
Relax the part of the body that is in pain. Understand the body’s alarming system and listen to body sounds. If there is pain in any part of the body or muscles, etc., rest and take appropriate measures. Gently massage the joints and keep them moving while keeping them straight. Pain medications can be taken with a doctor’s advice. In some patients with joint pain, the skin at the site of the pain becomes numb. Touching these places does not make them feel. For this, a cloth should be soaked in warm water at the place of pain. Women who have had multiple pregnancies are more likely to have joint pain. Therefore, they should take more calcium and hormone medications with a doctor’s advice. The patient should not be constipated. For this, bad, cold and sour things should be avoided. Arthritis patients should not eat too much oil, butter and fried foods.
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