There comes a point of death when even a well-proportioned body begins to turn fat and in a short time a very smart person starts to look beautifully deprived due to obesity. Obesity not only spoils a person’s appearance and beauty but also causes many diseases. Maaljin says that in order to live a healthy life, it is important that the weight should be in accordance with the age and height.
Routine lifestyle also plays an important role in weight gain. Regular exercise to balance or reduce weight, which also makes gong and walking a routine. A recent study in the United States found that “due to the changing nature of our diet, we have added a number of items to our diet that can increase the amount of calories in the body.” Cause. Because these calories are more than we need for energy and when they are burned, they are converted into energy, so they start to accumulate in our body in the form of fat and gradually we start getting fat. ” Scientists have been quoted as saying that “there are certain foods that begin to dissolve body fat faster.” ۔

Research has shown that weight loss during dieting, if yogurt is consumed simultaneously for such a long time, is twice as much as weight loss through dieting. Weight loss would be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Helps to speed up. “People who make fat-free yogurt a regular part of their diet during dieting start to lose weight faster than people who start their diet to lose weight,” the study said. I just reduce the amount of calories. ” Obese people who use yogurt and other fat-free dairy products for weight loss lose 22 percent more weight than others in just four months, losing 61 percent more body fat and up to 81 percent more. Succeed in reducing the enlarged stomach. Dietitian Professor Michael Zemel says: “Obese people should divide their diet into two groups for weight loss, one for simple and low calorie foods and the other for yogurt and other fat-free dairy products They should consume this diet containing 11 grams of calcium daily and eat fat free yogurt three times a day. Presenting the report, Professor Michael added that yogurt not only helps in rapid weight loss but also improves the body.

Medical scientists and physicians are amazed at the new discovery of the role of calcium in weight loss, and the discovery is being hailed. Professor Zaiml says: It speeds up the process and also prevents the accumulation of new fat in the body. The calcium that the body gets from yogurt, milk and other dairy products not only reduces excess weight but also builds body muscles and strengthens bones. Older women who suffer from osteoporosis If you are at risk of developing osteoporosis, you can combine the benefits of yogurt with weight loss and strong bones. Professor Zaiml recommends that “dairy products be consumed three to four times a day for weight loss and that fat-free or low-fat varieties be preferred.” Yogurt can also be added to make it more palatable. Fruits can be added to it. Men and women who want to lose weight can reduce excess weight by rearranging their eating habits and eating and drinking. Getting the body together can be easy.
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