What is Leg Cramps ?
During sleep at night, there is a sudden spasm in the shin or foot and sleep becomes haraam. This is not due to weakness, as it also affects healthy and energetic athletes. Spasms usually occur in the first few hours of sleep. We can also call a spasm a “muscle spasm.” At this point, the muscle contracts.
We spread the legs forward. We find the place of the spasm, then we go and relax. The brain then issues an order that the spasm is gone and it is gone. Scientists have also said that when calcium potassium is in the body. And if the sodium balance is disturbed, then spasm occurs.
These three mineral salts are called electrolytes, meaning they allow the passage of electric waves.
This electricity is what goes on in the nerves.
Best Home Remedy for Leg Cramps
Take a short walk

Be sure to walk a little to stretch your leg muscles. Don’t walk too much. Start walking slowly.
Change position
When lying on the bed, do not sleep on your stomach, because in this position the shin fish becomes smaller.
Massage the tea
Massage daily with a warm muscle ointment
Towel or handkerchief
Have a towel or handkerchief with you. When there is a spasm, put the towel or handkerchief under the toes and pull the toes upwards, until the spasm disappears.
Drink water
Be sure to drink six to eight glasses of water a day, as dehydration can also cause cramps.
Eat mineral salt
These salts are essential for good health, so eating them is beneficial. Eat 1,500 milligrams of calcium and 400 units of vitamin E daily. Dr. Harry Dental of the University of California Medical School in the United States In addition, eat foods that contain mineral salts, so that you can stay in good health.
Keep your feet above the bed

When sleeping, lean on your feet and sleep with your feet above your head
Another type of spasm
The second type of spasm is lameness. Claudius, the king of Rome, was lame, so the disease is named after him. This spasm is caused by the accumulation of cholesterol in the legs.
Cholesterol exhaustion and oxygenation prevent blood from reaching the muscles. This spasm also occurs in the flesh of the hips and starts again after a short rest. The cure for spasms is to eat less cholesterol-rich foods. Also, walk daily. Walking dissolves cholesterol. Exercise helps the blood to circulate better and reach the muscles. First, limit the distance to the point where the pain does not start. Gradually increase the distance. This exercise is very effective in circulating blood in the legs.
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