Science and Medical

How to Control Diabetes Type 2 ?

Over time, diabetes is becoming a major problem today we can talk about how to control diabetes types 2.Diabetes is a leading cause of heart disease, kidney and brain and neurological diseases, stroke and visual impairment. Before diabetes occurs, there are symptoms in the human body that can be prevented or at least delayed by paying attention and taking precautions.

The management of diabetes is progressively evolving. The latest medical and technological advances-including ones involving the Internet-have begun providing the 18.2 million Americans affected by this disease with the kind of freedom few dreamed of not all that long ago.

Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body doesn’t produce or properly use insulin, a hormone needed to convert glucose into energy. Since over time the high blood sugar levels associated with diabetes-the nation’s fifth-leading cause of death by disease-can lead to complications of the eyes, blood vessels, nerves, kidneys and other organs, anything that would ease the typical daily regimen of insulin injections and the like would be most welcome by patients. 

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms.

In this case, the amount of sugar in the blood is higher than normal but not so high that it can be called diabetes. It is called pre-diabetes condition or prediabetes.
Obesity, especially abdominal fat and lack of exercise, is one of the main causes of pre-diabetes or pre-diabetes.

If the pre-diabetic symptoms usually last for 5 years, the chances of developing type 2 diabetes are higher.
The good news is that such women and men can avoid developing type 2 diabetes by taking appropriate precautions in a timely manner.
Diabetes is actually caused by a lack of regular action of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas, the organ behind the stomach. When we eat food, our pancreas releases insulin into the blood.

If the pre-diabetic symptoms usually last for 5 years, the chances of developing type 2 diabetes are higher.
The good news is that such women and men can avoid developing type 2 diabetes by taking appropriate precautions in a timely manner.
Diabetes is actually caused by a lack of regular action of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas, the organ behind the stomach.
Insulin enters the bloodstream and carries glucose into the cells, which lowers blood sugar levels. But when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the cells react to insulin, When insulin does not provide glucose to the cells, this condition is called diabetes.

There are Several Possible Causes of Diabetes, some of which are as Follows :

Overweight or obesity, slowness or lack of exercise, heredity in people 45 years of age or older, ie people with hereditary type 2 diabetes in their family, having diabetes during pregnancy or having a baby at birth Weight more than 9 pounds or 4.1 grams, polycystic ovary syndrome in women, which is manifested in the form of irregular menstruation, excessive hair growth and obesity.

Such factors can increase the risk of diabetes. Research has shown that lack of sleep increases the risk of insulin resistance. Research has shown that less than 6 hours of sleep a night increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. High blood pressure, low levels of good fats (HDL) and high levels of bad fats (LDL) or triglycerides can also lead to diabetes.

According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, that “simplification” is exactly what’s happening. The Food & Drug Administration, for example, is in the process of approving both insulin patches and inhalants as alternative delivery methods to insulin injections. Breakthroughs in blood glucose monitoring that would allow continuous testing throughout the day are currently in development. 

And then there’s the Internet. Unlike in the past, the latest advances, treatment and disease management recommendations are now available on the Web sites of the American Diabetes Association, the American Association of Diabetes Educators, and countless others. Beyond that, people with diabetes are being helped in managing their disease through the conve-nient online ordering of necessary diabetic supplies, pharmaceuticals and equipment. 

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus include excessive and frequent urination, foam in the urine, frequent thirst, loss of weight, loss of appetite and thirst, or loss of vision. Itching, mood swings, fatigue, feeling tired all the time, wounds not healing. In such a situation, contact your doctor immediately.

Some diabetics do not have these symptoms because the symptoms are rare in the early stages.

According to the American Diabetes Association, blood sugar levels must be checked with the help of the following tests: HbA1C Test Shows diabetes.

The HbA1C test shows your average sugar level for the last three months. Fasting Blood Sugar Test This test is done on an empty stomach. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test is performed two hours after a meal. If the test report is 140mg / dl then normal and if 140mg / dl. Levels above 199mg / dl are a sign of pre-diabetes and levels above 200mg / dl are a sign of diabetes.

Prevention of Diabetes type 2

A healthy lifestyle can change blood sugar levels back to normal or at least prevent this level from rising to the level of type 2 diabetes. Follow the guidelines to stay safe from diabetes. Eat a low-fat, low-calorie, high-fiber diet. People with diabetes should have sugar, sweetened cold drinks, white rice, flour, semolina, baked goods, high-fat foods, fats and Turn off fried foods completely.

Focus on whole grains, including fruits, vegetables and peels, quit smoking and alcohol and always eat simple foods. Fresh bitter gourd juice, amla, curry leaves and apple cider vinegar reduce blood and urine diabetes. Walk briskly for at least 5 days a day for 30 minutes to an hour or do physical exercise or exercise and if you are not able to exercise regularly then you can do it at intervals throughout the day. Lose excess weight

Eat food during pregnancy, fasting and during travel with the advice of a doctor. Women should be very careful during pregnancy. Remember that by adopting the principles of health, a normal life can be lived with diabetes. Awareness to avoid diabetes It is important that we can avoid a disease like diabetes just by making appropriate changes in our daily routine before the onset of diabetes, ie after the symptoms of predisposition appear. Diabetes is still an incurable disease. This treatment can only be controlled with medication. Therefore, take precautionary measures to prevent diabetes so that this dangerous disease can be prevented from progressing further.

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