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Exercise in the winter

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With the onset of cold weather, unhealthy food and unhealthy lifestyle can lead to mood swings, boredom and irritability. Some people do not want to get out of bed in the morning, some find it difficult to go to the gym and some to the office. In view of these conditions, medical experts say that no matter what the weather, the importance of exercise is always the same, but in cold weather, the importance of exercise is doubled. If you want to enjoy the winter, you need to recognize the importance of exercise.

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Exercise and youth rejuvenation

For the past 50 years, Ahmed Khan has been smoking three packs of cigarettes (60 cigarettes) a day, resulting in severe shortness of breath and high blood pressure. He has recently given up smoking on medical advice. He is 77 years old, but at the insistence of his doctor, he has also started exercising, the benefits of which are beginning to be established and he is starting to feel so good that he is beginning to consider himself a 35-year-old. In this day and age, exercise is becoming more and more popular in the West for people of all ages.

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The main disease is obesity

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Obesity is a physical condition of the human body in which body fat builds up, weight gain and bloating occur. To date, experts have not been able to give a satisfactory answer to the question why some people are obese. There have been many studies on obesity or weight gain. Every time a new cause comes to light. Most people believe that a person’s lifestyle, eating habits, sitting, sleeping and not exercising all the time leads to weight gain and obesity. However, it has also been observed that the world There are some people in me who eat all kinds of food, do not do any X-ray including sitting for a long time but still they do not suffer from obesity. Obesity certainly causes many problems.

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Eating Disorders

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It must have happened to most of us in life that when we opened our eyes in the middle of the night, we wanted to eat something. Went to the kitchen or refrigerator and took out the food and started eating. Sometimes it is different, but when it happens often, consider it an alarm. It is estimated that there are millions of people in the UK alone who get up at night and eat, and doctors have described their practice as a sign of illness. An American psychologist noticed these symptoms for the first time in some people and called them late night gathering symptoms.

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Can depression change your personality?

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 depression change your personality

There are many effects depression change your personality.Depression is considered a common word nowadays. In everyday life you hear about it from everyone, young and old. If someone is really depressed, then know that it is a silent killer. In fact, it is a state of mind. We can also call it Mood Disorder. Whenever we are frustrated or sad, the following symptoms can occur. Usually these symptoms go away in a week or two. People who suffer from depression often look depressed. Usually we deal with this depression on our own. Talking to friends, this depression is cured. It does not require any treatment. But if this depression Or if sadness persists for a long time, it becomes a disease. And its effects on daily life began to be affected and daily life began to be affected by it. So it turns into depression

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Benefits of Cycling in human life

The People’s Republic of China currently has the most bicycles in the world. It is said that millions of Chinese travel daily on their bicycles for work and employment. In the early days of the Chinese Revolution, vehicles were reserved for engineers, including prime ministers and ministers. He used to come and go to the office on a bicycle. Cycling are becoming less and less in big cities, but they are almost non-existent.

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Useful fruits for diabetics

fruits for diabetics

Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in the world, also known as the silent killer, and according to a World Health Organization (WHO) study, diabetes will be the seventh leading cause of death in the world by 2030. The number is increasing alarmingly with each passing year. Diabetes affects blood glucose levels. Different types of diabetes are called type one, type two and type three diabetes.

Everyone should take care of their diet to be safe from this disease. Gaining weight can also lead to this dangerous disease. Generally, people suffering from this disease are forbidden to eat sweets as well as fruits. ۔

Is eating fruit dangerous for people with diabetes? According to many doctors, people suffering from this disease should avoid eating fruits, because they are dried fruits and because they contain less water than fresh fruits. That’s why the amount of nutrients and minerals in fruits varies more than fresh fruit. A new study has found that hard-shelled nuts are better for human health than unhealthy foods.

Their use is also beneficial for patients with high cholesterol and diabetes. Dried fruits are only hard-shelled nuts which are called nuts in English. These do not include fruits that are dried and used, nuts or almonds, walnuts, pistachios, etc. are said to be useful for human health. Nutritionists say nuts are thought to be good for health.

A study by a team of researchers at the University of Toronto has been published in the international journal Diabetes Diabetes Care, conducted by the University of Toronto’s Department of Nutritional Sciences. It also included clinical nutrition and risk factor experts. Searle Kendall is also a research associate in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto. Diabetes is a disease in which people suffer from the same dilemma as to which foods to eat and which not to eat.

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The Effects of Agedness

At that time letter writing was a common practice. If the elders who wrote the letter were counted among the elders, they would pray for the children to live a long life, then they would describe the real respondent. Before you ask yourself a question.
Do you really want a long and full life?
Is it necessary to use only anti-aging drugs?
In the first question, 100% of the people seem to agree that they have to play long innings.

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Important of healthy foods

Important of healthy foods

What is the importance of healthy foods? Depending on where you live, you might start your day with eating food first before doing an activity. Food is the most important thing in our lives besides water. Moreover, healthy eating means eating a variety of food that gives you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrate, fat, water, vitamin, and minerals.

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